Nina & Jason – February 2024 Reformer Of The Month

How long have you been in CrossFit?  

Nina started CrossFit way back in 2009. She did it consistently for about 5 years and then life got in the way. She started back up during the pandemic because she missed it and wanted to feel fit again. She eventually convinced Jason to start at the end of 2021. 

How did you come across CrossFit?

Nina started way back in the day at CrossFit Oakland, one of the first affiliates. During her first few months she went to see the CrossFit Games at the Ranch and was hooked. Jason watched Nina go to CrossFit every morning and decided to wade into the CrossFit pool with floaties on. 

What are your favorite movements/lifts? What are your least favorite? Any recent PR’s you would like to mention? 

Nina loves the power lifts, especially squatting and deadlifting and absolutely hates running with a burning passion. She enjoys having a 300 pound deadlift and just ignores her mile time completely. 

Jason has learned to like handstand push ups and cleans, recently hit his PRs in bench press and clean. Least favorite of course burpees. 

What is one goal you would like to set for yourself regarding CrossFit? 

Nina would like to be able to do more skilled gymnastics movements like pistols and muscle ups, but recognizes that she needs to put in the time to learn those things. Eventually, she will. Jason wants to learn the art of walking on his hands and learning how to butterfly pull up. 

Do you have a favorite girl or hero WOD?  

We both like Cindy and Grace. Cindy was the first girl workout Nina ever did.

Where are  you both from?

 Nina is from Mission Viejo, but lived all over after college before returning to OC about 10 years ago. Jason is from Anaheim, but lived in Long Beach for most of his life until he met Nina.

If you could have one superpower what would it be and why?  

Nina would like to be invisible because that’s how you hear the best gossip. Jason would like to be able to teleport and save money on the toll roads. 

If you were granted 3 wishes, what would they be? 

Rid the world of anyone being hungry or homeless, for our daughter to be just as amazing as an adult as she is a kiddo, and for our parents to be healthy. 

If you could host a dinner party with any 3 people dead or alive, who would you have attend?

 JK Rowling, CS Lewis, JRR Tolkien 

Share 1 thing that people in the gym would not know about you?

Nina lived in a tent by the Nile River for almost a year, and Jason is afraid of Ducks. 

How has CrossFit changed your life? 

For Nina CrossFit has obviously been important physically to stay fit, but more important mentally to show her that she is capable of more than she thinks she is. After doing CrossFit on and off for 15 years, she realizes how important that is as she gets older.  Also, the community is rad and she likes competing with her husband in workouts. Jason has tried to stay active through his adult life, working out at the gym and through martial arts, but CrossFit has pushed him past being comfortable at the gym to challenging what is possible for his mind and body.

Would you like to give any shout outs to those in the gym who have encouraged you or inspired you? 

A huge holler to the 5:30 class for the morning laughter, coffee and push to get better,  to Coach Dennis and Gavin for keeping us moving, our kiddo Karis and to Coach Lauren for getting her those gainz!

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