No-Sugar November

The holidays are coming and it’s time to get ahead of them. 


It’s no surprise that the average person consumes more sugar during the holiday season than any other time, as we are surrounded by gatherings and decadent treats. We all know these are not ideal to consume on a consistent basis, but we often need some accountability to keep us on track, myself involved. 


Our solution: No-Sugar November.


We have done it successfully in the past, and we are going to do it again! 


What is No-Sugar November? 


No Sugar November is a great way to stay accountable. Any day in the month of November that you eat sugar you owe 50 burpees. You can do them the day of, or day after, eating sugar.


You may do the burpees in the gym or at home, but burpees in the class workout or warm-up do not count towards your total. 


What counts as sugar? 


Any added sugar, desserts, or alcohol count as sugar. Fruits and natural sugars are ok. The stricter you are the more successful you will be. If you continue to consume sugars, at least you will get better at burpees ????.


How do I participate? 


Commit yourself by adding your name to the board at the gym, and be ready to start on November 1st. We encourage you to find an accountability partner to join you, to help keep you both on track. 


No-Sugar November is open to anyone, inside the gym or not, so grab a friend, spread the word and keep a little focus during the holidays!

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