Congratulations to Cheri for being our November Reformer of the Month! Get to know her a little more from her interview or chat with her in class! Great work Cheri!
Interview With Cheri
1. How long have you been in CrossFit?
I started CF in March 2022. I was so scared — I did double the on ramp classes because it was all so foreign to me and I needed extra support.
2. How did you come across CrossFit?
Shaune San Jose and I are neighbors and she referred me. At first, I was hesitant, I mean Shaune is in such good shape and I had never picked up a barbell. I came in to talk to Eric and he was so reassuring that I could go at my own pace so with Shaune’s encouragement I gave it a try.
3. What are your favorite movements/lifts? What is/are your least favorite? Any recent PR’s you would like to mention?
I like back squats and deadlifts. I recently PR’d my back squat at 160 pounds. Sit-ups are hard for me so I guess they are my least favorite.
4. What is one goal you would like to set for yourself regarding CrossFit?
I want to be able to RX more often, especially with the prescribed weights. Also, I want to be able to do toes-to-bar and pull-ups.
6. Where are you from?
I am a native of Orange County and grew up in Cypress, CA and now live in Trabuco Canyon with my husband and two teenage daughters.
7. If you could have one superpower what would it be and why?
I would say being able to be in multiple places would be a great superpower.
8. If you were granted 3 wishes, what would they be?
1. I would wish that we could solve hunger.
2. I would wish sugar was easier to give up and wasn’t in so much of our foods.
3. I would wish for my teenage daughters for their dreams to come true.
9. If you could host a dinner party with any 3 people dead or alive, who would you have attend?
1. Taylor Swift
2. Michael Jordon
3. Theodore Roosevelt
10. Share 1 thing that people in the gym would not know about you?
This year my husband and I celebrated our 20 year wedding anniversary!
11. How has CrossFit changed your life?
CrossFit has reminded me that 1. I am stronger than I think and 2. There’s always room for improvement.
I love seeing people of all ages and backgrounds supporting each other. I also love seeing the muscles in my arms!
12. Would you like to give any shout outs to those in the gym who have encouraged you or inspired you?
Shoutout to my 6:30 pm people, the coaches I see the most — Alex, Lauren, and Chelsey. To Shaune who referred me and really each person in the gym. I am inspired by each person, wherever we are on this journey — I am in inspired to keep trying, to keep challenging myself and love the supportive environment.