We have a term that that you may have heard around the gym recently: “Bright Spots.”
We talk about them in everyday conversations; discuss them in Goal Reviews and check-ins with members; and post about them on Fridays in our Facebook Members Group.
“Bright Spots” are something positive, regardless of how big or small. They can be something that was achieved, accomplished, or just great that happened. For some it’s a PR on a Power Clean, getting a 1st Double Under, or making it to class three days in a row. It’s not restricted to what happens in the gym. For some it’s their kid’s birthday, going on a date night, or binge watching Netflix over the weekend.
But why do we promote and encourage our community to find their “Bright Spots?” Because positivity is contagious and leads to accomplishment.
“You’re a product of your environment, surround yourself with the best.” – Anonymous
Who you surround yourself with has a huge impact on how you view life. If you surround yourself with negative and cynical people, you become negative and cynical. If you surround yourself with positive people and a positive atmosphere, you have a positive and encouraging outlook on life. This optimism leads to challenging yourself, a willingness to try new things, and accomplishing tasks that previously seemed impossible. You grow.
Positive thinking and self-talk is another healthy self-actualizing habit. It is understood that a positive outlook and thinking can help you cope better with stressful situations. This would help reduce harmful effects of stress on your body, such as increased life span, lower rates of depression, and better psychological and physical well-being, thus leading to a more productive and greater quality of life.
We all have challenges around us, each and every day, and always will. The important thing is to be aware of these challenges, and make the best of them. Sometimes these challenges can consume us like a fog in our head, and make it difficult to find the positives. It’s important to be able to clear out that fog and find the bright.
I encourage and challenge you to take 5 minutes every week to find your “Bright Spots” and post them on our members’ page, write them down, and/or share them with someone. Be proud of them regardless of how big or small, because they are worthy of recognition, and can help others as well. Lastly, and possibly most importantly, make sure to be supportive of and encouraging to those who share theirs, as this will grow our positive surrounding and impact.