2019 CrossFit Open

The Open is here again!!!


Every year CrossFit HQ puts on a worldwide competition for the masses called the CrossFit Open. They post one workout each week for five weeks, most gyms program that for their community to perform, and participants submit their scores to a worldwide leaderboard. The highest performers over the five weeks are invited to participate in the CrossFit Games.


The Open is always such a fun time within our community. Last year we had more than 60 people sign-up to submit their scores and see how they stack up worldwide, and more than 120 people participate in the workouts. Everyone was challenged and got outside their comfort zones, with many accomplishing tasks they never thought possible. There was great energy, camaraderie, support, and lots of fun.


The greatest part about the CrossFit Open is that EVERYONE can participate and benefit from it!


During this fun time for 2019 we will be doing our 4th Intramural Open.


Ralphing Group Photo



Every Thursday at 5pm, starting Feb. 21st, CrossFit HQ will announce the Open WOD and have athletes perform the WOD immediately. We will have that WOD programmed as our class WOD all day Friday, along with our special “Friday Night Lights” during afternoon classes. This will be the best time to attend and participate if possible.


If not able to perform them on Friday, you will have an option to make it up on Sunday at Open Gym (10-11:30am). Due to equipment, class size, and judging we will ask not to perform the Open WODs during class times other than Fridays.



Everyone in the gym can choose if they would like to participate in the Intramural Open. You do not need to sign up for the worldwide CrossFit Open to participate in our Intramural Open.


In the gym, we will divide participants into 3 teams, each with a designated captain. Each team captain will be in charge of their team, with a private Facebook group to communicate and collaborate together. Teams will also be assigned a color, and encouraged to wear that color on Fridays when we do the Open WODs, in support of their team.


Our captains are chosen because they are FUN, not because they may be the fittest, fastest or strongest. Their overall goal is to make this a fun and positive experience for everyone involved in their team, and our community as a whole.


Open Team




This year will mark our first “Head-to-Head” throwdowns. Each of our “Friday Night Lights” we will have 2 or 3 athletes participate in a “Head-to-Head” heat at 5pm, similar to how CrossFit HQ does with their announcements. They will be the only ones performing the Open WOD at that time, and we can all cheer them on through their hard work. Each week we will select different “Head-to-Head” participants and highlight them that week leading up to their throwdown. This will be super fun and you won’t want to miss!



Teams will receive points for certain tasks. The team with the most points at the end of the Open will earn a raffle. Point breakdowns are below:


+1 Point – Open Registration: Every member on your team that is registered for the worldwide CrossFit Open will earn the team one point even before the competition begins. Be sure to sign up at the link below, and select the CrossFit Reform team and affiliate. There are Rx and Scaled versions of each WOD that come out, so all can sign up.


Sign-up here


+1 Point – Attendance: Every member of the team that completes an Open WOD at CrossFit Reform (or proof of drop in out of town) will earn one point for their team, regardless of modified level they perform. Repeated efforts of the same WOD do not count as extra points. TEAMS THAT WIN USUALLY HAVE THE BEST ATTENDANCE.


+1 Point – Top 3: Each male and female that places in the Top 3 Rx & Scaled Division will earn an extra point for their team. WOD must be judged and they must be signed up for the Open and post scores in time to qualify. We will pull this info straight from the Games site.


+1-3 Points – Social Media: Everyone that posts a picture or video to Facebook or Instagram about the Intramural Open and uses #crossfitreform #reformintramuralopen will earn 1 point for their team. 1 point can be earned per week, per person. **BONUS** Earn an extra 2 points each week if you are wearing your Reform Open shirt in the post.


Get your Reform Open shirt HERE!




+3-9 Points – Review: Post a (hopefully genuine) review about how CrossFit Reform has changed your life on Google, Yelp, or Facebook. You will earn 3 points for each review. Reviews must be screen-shot and sent to [email protected] or shown to a coach.

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