It may feel like 5 weeks was a lifetime ago but we successfully made it through the 2019 Open! There were lots of awesome moments of celebration, as well as some moments of frustration. The Open is a fun time of the year to test our abilities and possibly expose skills that need work.
But, what do we do now that it’s over?
The Open may have shown you that you are capable of things you never knew you could do (i.e. double unders, bar muscle ups, or signing up for a competition). You may be super motivated to practice these new skills you have.
We fully encourage this!
Use that motivation as a catalyst to practice something new! Whether it’s in a WOD, after class, or by scheduling a 30 minute skill session with a coach; we want you to succeed!
However, for some (maybe most), the Open can be not only physically exhausting but mentally exhausting as well. We totally get it.
Five weeks is a long time to stay focused and dialed in. From not knowing the workout and anxiously waiting for Thursday night at 5pm, or the 10-second countdown during your heat, there are a lot of things to think and stress about. Not to mention team captains bringing their energy 110% every week!
My point is, that tiring feeling you have, that “maybe I’m not cut out for this” thought in the back of your head is totally normal. We all feel it. What we need is a little refresh.
The month following the Open we are going to help you and your tired brain in order to keep riding that high of the Open but not hitting the crash of when it’s over. You will notice the programming will be slightly different and we want to be fully transparent why.
We want you to get fit and HAVE FUN doing it!!!
Here are three things you will see this coming month:
Squat Cycle: We will be doing a quick but very effective squat cycle based on Triphasic Training. You may have seen Barbell Club squatting and going down (eccentric) really slow. There are huge benefits to this. Not only will it help with strength but also helps with feeling sore after eccentrically loaded movements. Goodbye sore legs after wall balls! We will do this twice a week for two weeks leading us to establish a 1 rep max at the end of the month. We highly recommend that you make it to those days if possible.
Basic Strength: CrossFit has a lot of dynamic and functional movements. The foundation to those movements are often basic, single-joint or isolated movements. Every Tuesday we will focus on these movements. Think of it as taking all the accessory work you know you should do and putting it in one day. Each week progresses and by the end of the month you will have a great foundation for dynamic movements such as kipping and the olympic lifts.
Odd Objects: A Barbell is soooo 2018. For this month, be on the lookout for fun workouts with what we call “odd objects.” Things like D-balls and tires will be used and the goal of these workouts are to have fun while getting fit. We will learn and play with odd objects and learn how to lift, move, and shift something other than a barbell.
This upcoming month is a huge month for everyone! We can capitalize on all this motivation and steam we have and make it a really fun and productive month. As always, if you are interested in setting or working towards a personal goal, book a goal review here.
Remember, motivation without a plan is like a snorkel to a fish…useless.