Goat Busters

Are there movements you want to improve? Are there skills that you wish you had more time to work on in a class? Would you like to know the best ways to progress to the next level? 


In CrossFit, a “Goat” is something that needs improvement. It may be something that is limiting or unable to be done in a workout, or may just be something that you need more practice with. 


If we asked you to write your goats down, it would probably make a solid list, and the longer you do CrossFit, the larger the list grows. 


Luckily, we have a solution: Goat Busters.


What is it? 


A Goat Buster is a clinic centered around improving a skill or movement. We work on drills, progressions, practice and specific focuses to help you turn your goat into a strength. 


Each clinic is 60 minutes in length, and capped at 10 participants. 



Who is it for? 


Anyone looking to improve skills or performance in specific movements. Some Goat Busters will have recommendations as to how to participate. 


When are they? 


Sat 2/22/20 – Beginner Pull-up – Kipping

Sat 3/7/20 – Handstand Skill – HSPU & Walking

Sat 3/21/20 – Running/Breathing 

Sat 4/4/20 – Advanced Pull-up – Butterfly/Chest-to-Bar

Sat 4/18/20 – Double Unders

Sat 5/2/20 – Toes-to-Bar

Sat 5/16/20 – Rowing

Sat 5/30/20 – Bar Muscle-up


How do I sign up? 


These classes will fill up, so reserve your spot ASAP.


Click the link below for which you would like then reserve your spot (and shirt size) with a coach. 


1 Goat Buster – $25

4 Pack Goat Buster – $99 – T-shirt included

6 Pack Goat Buster – $134 – T-shirt included


*note that Goat Buster purchases are for sessions from Feb-May, and are non-refundable.

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