New Coach!

We are proud to announce a new addition to the Reform coaching team, Erik Thorson.


Erik comes to us with an extensive coaching background, having been coaching CrossFit to adults and kids consistently for the past 3 years. He is a CrossFit Level 3 instructor (currently the highest attainable level), and holds CrossFit Kids, CrossFit Strongman, Scaling, Lesson Planning, and RYT-200 Yoga Alliance certifications.


Erik brings a great understanding, passion, and energy for helping people and is motivated by CrossFit and the community aspect. His morals and values align perfectly with those of the business, which is why we are confident he is a great addition to the Reform community.


Erik has primarily been brought on as our Reform Kids Director with the focus of guiding and expanding the program. He will also be available to coach group classes and personal training as well.


Erik is very excited to involve himself into the Reform community, and will be looking forward to meeting all of you very soon.


Please join us in welcoming him into our family!


Erik Thorson


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