2021 Shed & Shred Challenge


Need to get your nutrition back on track?


Our 8th annual Shed & Shred Challenge starts Monday, May 24th and you won’t want to miss it! 


What is it?

A 6-week challenge focusing on nutrition and a healthy lifestyle, involving:

  • Basic & Advanced Focus Levels
  • Individual Food Analysis
  • Weekly Challenges/Focuses
  • 2 Body Composition Scans
  • Accountability Support Group


This year we will have a CASH PRIZE for male and female winners!


Who is it for?

This challenge is for ANYONE needing focus and accountability with nutrition. Grab a friend to join you. You do NOT need to be a member to participate.



  1. We provide GUIDANCE through basic and advanced nutrition focuses 
  2. We help keep you ACCOUNTABLE
  3. You get RESULTS 


Important dates:

  • “Kick-off” Lecture/Info – Sat 5/22 – 11:00am @ CrossFit Reform
  • 1st Body Fat Test – Thu 5/20 through Tue 5/25 (schedule below)
  • 2nd Body Fat Test – Thu 7/1 through Tue 7/6 (schedule below)


Be sure to schedule testing between allotted dates:

Click Here to schedule your “Body Composition Test & Analysis”

*Contact us if you need help scheduling. 


*Spread the word to any family or friends that would like to join you!


How much does it cost?

$129 covers both tests, entry, and participation to challenge.



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