2019 Double Dare WODs

Our 6th annual Double Dare Anniversary Partner Competition WODs are below.


Double Dare is put together to have a good time and celebrate our awesome members.  The WODs and levels are designed for everyone in the gym to participate, so grab your partner decide which level is best.


There is no cost to participate. Be sure to sign your team up at the bottom of the PR board at the gym. More event details will be released the week of the event.


WOD 1:



5 minute AMRAP:

20 Partner Deadlifts [buy in]

then max points in remaining time…

Burpees (1 point)

Pull-ups [scaled = ring rows] (1 point)


Rx: 315/225#

Scaled: 255/155#


*Deadlift is completed with both partners lifting together

*After Deadlift, 1 partner works at a time for points

*Partners must tag to switch who is working

*You may complete any amount, or combination, of burpees and/or pull-ups

*Score is total points completed as a team


WOD 2:



Rx & Scaled:


Row Calories


*1 person works at a time

*Partners must tag to switch who is working

*Score is total calories completed as a team


WOD 3:



12 min AMRAP:

30 Russian KB Swing

30 Alternating DB Snatch

30 Ball Slam

15 Synchronized Box Jump [scaled = step-ups], 24/20″


Rx: 70/53# KB, 50/35# DB, 30/20# Ball

Scaled: 53/35# KB, 45/20# DB, 15/10# Ball


*Partners will be on opposite sides of the boxes

*1 person works at a time except during synchronized box jumps

*Complete 15 reps each before transferring item to other partner to complete 15 reps

*Score is total reps completed


NOTE: This competition is for ALL LEVELS in the gym.  Modifications may be provided beyond the Scaled level if needed.


Click here for more info about 2019 Double Dare.

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